After Congressman Bill Keating’s (D-MA) temper tantrum in the House, the hearing was abruptly terminated when Rep. Keith Self (R-TX), the chairman of the subcommittee, referred to the Democrat Assemblywoman Sarah McBride as “Mr. McBride”.

The hearing titled, “Arms Control, International Security, & U.S. Assistance to Europe: Review and Reforms for the State Department,” came to a screeching halt when Self recognized McBride (D-DE).

Self-announced: “I now recognize the representative from Delaware, Mr. McBride. “

McBride’s response was “Thanks, Madam Chair” at the beginning.

Keating, though, decided to take up the fight on McBride’s behalf and asked Self to repeat what he had said. Shortly thereafter, he lost his temper.

“Mr. Chairman, you are out of order,” Keating said. “Mr. Chairman, have you no decency? I mean, I have come to know you a little bit, but this is not decent.”

Self was trying move forward when Mr. Keating began stomping his foot and slamming his fist. He demanded some sort of perceived respect for Mr. McBride.

He yelled, “You will not continue with me until I introduce an elected representative correctly.”

Self replied, “Fine.” “We’re out”, and the hearing was immediately adjourned.

The judge closed the hearing by slamming the gavel.

At least they weren’t trying to discuss anything of importance. It was only a hearing on arms control, after all. And international security. Who needs all that noise when we have to worry about whether we refer to a biological male as “Ms.”?

For those who are still confused, the Delaware Representative was the first openly transgender member of Congress in January. McBride has been the center of controversy from the beginning when Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) introduced a Resolution that would ban transgender men from using women’s restrooms in Capitol buildings.

Mace stated at the time, “the sanctity and protection of women’s rights,” as well as standing up against the Left’s systematic elimination of biological women, started here in the nation’s Capitol.

McBride stated that Chairman Self terminated the hearing due to his colleague’s antics.

He said: “I was disappointed that the chairman decided to close a hearing of a commission early. I was prepared to continue my questions to the Subcommittee on nuclear nonproliferation and US support for Democratic allies. “